The Saints-Anges Church Organ

The organ at Saints-Anges, opus 869, was built by the celebrated organ builder, Casavant Frères in 1920 and later restored in 2006. A jewel of its period, its sound is considered among one of the most important in the country.


The instrument has 68 stops, four keyboards and pedals for a total of 4 444 pipes ranging in size from 2.5 centimeters up to 10 meters. The organ was designed to please the french influence, although it also incorporates the anglo-american sound that was in vogue during the 1920s.


The majestic sounding trompettes en chamade added to the organ complete the exceptional symphonic tone of the instrument.

The Stop List

Principal 8′
Harmonic Flute 8’
Bourdon 8′
Vox Humana 8′
Prestant 4′
Dolce Flute 4′
Nazard 2 2/3
Quart de nazard 2′
Tierce 1 3/5
Plein jeu IV
Clarinet 8′
GREAT (2nd keyboard)
Diapason 1 6′
Diapason 8′
Principal 8′
Bourdon 8′
Gemshorn 8′
Harmonic Flute 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Quinte 2 2/3
Mixture III
Cymbal IV
Trumpet 8′
Clarion 4′
SWELL (3rd Keyboard, enclosed)
Bourdon 16′
Principal 8′
Harmonic Flute 8′
Bourdon 8′
Viola de gambe 8′
Voix céleste 8′
Principal 4′
Octaviante Flute 4′
Octavin 2′
Sesquialtera II
Plein jeu IV – V
Oboe 8′
Vox Humana 8′
Trumpet 16′
Trumpet 8′
Clarion 4′
SOLO (4th Keyboard, enclosed)
Cello 8′
Open Flute 8′
Orchestral Violin 8′
String Celeste 8′
Orchestral Flute 4′
Flautino 2′
Grand Cornet V
English Horn 8′
Tuba mirabilis 8′
Tuba mirabilis 4′
Flute 32′
Bourdon 32′
Flute Open 16′
Violin 16′
Bourdon 16′
Flute 8′
Bourdon 8′
Violin 8′
Flute 4′
Contra Bombarde 32′
Bombarde 16′
Trumpet 8′
CHAMADE (floating section)
Trumpet 16′
Trumpet 8′
Trumpet 4′
Manual compass: 61 keys
Pedal compass: 32 keys
Adjustable electronic combination of 64 levels
8 general: 6 partial at Swell, Choir, Great, Solo and Pedal
Combination inverter: Tutti, Fonds, Plein Jeu, Anches and Grand Jeu
4 toe studs
Programmable crescendo (4 levels)
Concave and radiant pedal set (A.G.O.)
Adjustable bench
Coupler: Swell, Choir, Great 8, 4
Coupler: Solo and Chamades
Choir to Swell 16, 8, 4
Great to Swell 16, 8, 4
Solo to Swell 16, 8
Chamade to Swell
Choir to Great 16, 8, 4
Solo to Great 16, 8
Chamades to Great
Chamades and Solo to Choir
Union of expressions