Trio de l’Île – 150e de Rachmaninov

Event details

  • Tuesday | 18 July 2023
  • 19:30
  • L’Entrepôt 2901, boul. Saint-Joseph, Lachine
  • Free admission (ticket required) | Suggested donation: 10$

Trio de l’Île – 150e de Rachmaninov

The fantastic Trio de l’Île celebrates the 150th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninov’s birth with a program featuring the two piano trios.

Patil Harboyan, piano

Uliana Drugova, violon

Dominique Beauséjour-Ostiguy, cello


Presented by:

Concert: Concert visuel Victoria


Tickets required (Free | Suggested Donation $10)

  • At the door 1 hour before each concert (40 tickets)
  • On-line


10$ donation suggested. To be able to continue offering high quality concerts that are free and accessible to all.




Introductory talk animated by Richard Turp 15 minutes before the concert.


Momentum, luminosity, audacity. This is the musical direction offered to their audiences by Patil Harboyan, Uliana Drugova and Dominique Beauséjour-Ostiguy, who play respectively piano, violin and cello of the Trio de l’Île. The city of Laval became the anchor point for the Trio de l’Île. Trio de l’Île became renowned for the complicity, the originality, the innovation of their musical aesthetic.

Finalist at the 24th edition of the Opus Awards, in the category: Concert of the Year – Classical, Romantic, Post-Romantic, Impressionist Music – the Trio de l’Île has just launched its first album.

All three former scholarship holders of the Fondation de soutien aux arts de Laval (FSAL), the members of this trio took advantage for 5 years of their residency at the Les Déjeuners croissants-musique series of the Maison des arts de Laval to promote the philanthropic work of the Foundation. Elected ambassadors of the FSAL, these musicians, whose rigorous classical training is recognized in the accuracy and seriousness of their interpretations, perform brilliantly on stages across the country.

Momentum, luminosity, audacity, but also passion, rigor, accessibility…

Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Babajanian, Piazzolla, Debussy, Shostakovich… the Trio de l’Île responds perfectly to the most demanding of challenges!


Trio élégiaque no 1 en sol mineur

pour piano, violon et violoncelle


Lento lugubre – Più vivo – Con anima –
Appassionato – Tempo rubato – Risoluto –
Tempo I –Più vivo – Con anima –
Appassionato – Alla marcia funebre

Sergei Rachmaninov 
(1873 – 1943)

Trio élégiaque No. 2 en mineur, Op. 9

Quasi variazione
 Allegro risoluto 

Sergei Rachmaninov 
(1873 – 1943)


Merci à tous nos commanditaires


Patrimoine Canada
Arrondissement Lachine
Ville de Montréal
Conseil des arts de Montréal
Enrico Ciccone, député de Marquette
Bingo Lachine
Mécénat Musica

Commanditaires de saison or

Fondation Azrieli – Azrieli Foundation
Collégial international Sainte-Anne
Desjardins Caisse de Lachine

Commanditaires de saison argent

Atelier lyrique de l’Opéra de Montréal
Piano Vertu

Commanditaires de saison bronze
Cognitive Group

Commanditaires de concert

MLV Immobilier
Jean Coutu Aboud Georges
J.J. Cardinal Lachine
Martin & Cie, comptables professionnels agréés
IGA Extra Vallée
Centre visuel Victoria